Project Information Management Dashboard (PRNewsFoto/ARC Document Solutions)
Project Information Management Dashboard (PRNewsFoto/ARC Document Solutions)
ARC Document Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARC), a leading document solutions provider to design, engineering, construction, and facilities management professionals, today introduced its Project Information Management (PIM) services, a major addition to its Construction Document and Information Management solutions. Designed for active construction projects with thousands of documents, PIM offers quick and easy access to building plans and other information from a centralized, graphic dashboard. Once a project is complete, the dashboard and associated documents can then be turned over to the project owners to facilitate building operations.
“By using PIM services, we access required project documents and information with just a few clicks,” says ARC customerGeorge Lioio, Clark Construction Group project engineer. “We get more done and get it done faster with PIM.”
“Finding one project document among thousands is always a challenge,” says Chris Savarese, ARC’s Director of Business Development for Construction Document and Information Management, “especially as the volume of information grows throughout the lifecycle of a project.”
Using ARC’s PIM services makes the process immeasurably faster and easier over its conventional counterpart. Finding documents is as easy as “point-and-click” on a computer, or “tap-and-swipe” on a mobile device.
“Documents are the primary means of communication between designers, engineers, and contractors on a construction project,” Savarese says. “Yet we’ve found that many of our customers find it challenging to navigate through the massive amount of information a project can generate, whether on paper or even on a computer’s hard drive.”
The problem of document management during an active construction project is three-fold.
“PIM enables a user to access thousands of linked digital documents from one central page, making it easy to follow connections between plans, specifications and other project documents,” explains Savarese. “PIM digital document linking and web-based mark-up tools improve project collaboration, and collecting the final drawings into a project closeout package for the owner is simple and quick.”