The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration and U.S. airports have launched an Airport Climate Challenge to help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration goal of net-zero […]
Companies everywhere are in the midst of a global workplace transformation. Facility managers and leadership teams are working overtime to ensure they are creating a workplace […]
The long-awaited U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) draft rule on climate disclosure was released in March requiring companies to provide Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions […]
The University of California, Irvine Division of Continuing Education Facilities Management Certificate Program has been accredited by the Facility Management Accreditation Commission (FMAC) of the IFMA […]
Initiated in 2008 by Global FM and earning renewed exposure due to the pandemic, World FM Day aims to recognize the vital work that facility management […]
Technology companies are the primary driver of the U.S. economic recovery, according to JLL’s latest research. Significant adoption and demand at the onset of the pandemic […]
Microsoft Corp. released its second annual Microsoft Work Trend Index report, “Great Expectations: Making Hybrid Work Work.” The company also announced new features across Microsoft Teams, Microsoft […]
Embrace the evolution of today’s active environments with Darby. This petite, single-user table moves freely as dynamic spaces shift from individualized focus to group connections and […]
Business decision makers and knowledge workers agree that at least 50% of the data their company uses on a day-to-day basis should be focused on sustainable […]