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May 16, 2020

Brattle economists release updated COVID-19 impacts on energy industry

Economists at The Brattle Group released on May 12 an assessment through April 2020 on the impacts and implications of COVID-19 on the energy industry. The report provides an update to […]
May 16, 2020

Distance learning puts data security even more at risk for schools

Netwrix, a cybersecurity vendor that makes data security easy, announced additional findings from its 2020 Data Risk & Security Report. The report reveals that many educational organizations are […]
May 16, 2020

Teknoflor partners with Material Bank

Teknoflor has established a strategic partnership with Material Bank, the world’s largest material marketplace for the architecture and design industry. By combining technology and logistics, Material […]
May 16, 2020

ServiceMaster Restoration By Simons performing COVID-19 re-entry disinfecting for businesses

As COVID-19 continues to spread and cause fatalities while the economy plans to re-open, businesses will need to ensure protection from potential contamination. The COVID-19 virus […]
May 16, 2020

Armstrong offers three months of free remote asset managing service

To help facilitate remote HVAC management during these challenging times, Armstrong has announced that it will provide its cloud-based subscription service, Pump Manager, to new customers […]
May 9, 2020

Global Biorisk Advisory Council creates accreditation program to assure workers, visitors of facility’s safety

The Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a Division of ISSA, introduced on May 7 its GBAC STAR facility accreditation program on cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease […]
May 9, 2020

Dodge Momentum Index trips on COVID-19 in April

The Dodge Momentum Index moved 6% lower in April to 135.9 (2000=100) from the revised March reading of 144.5. The Momentum Index, issued by Dodge Data & […]
May 3, 2020

Reveals from the Working from Home workshops

by Eileen McMorrow The Advanced Workplace Institute’s Working AWAy series was a four-session workshop outlining the processes and tools required for managing home working teams. AWAy, […]
April 25, 2020

Savings and hygiene you can bank on from Bobrick

Choosing the appropriate soap dispenser can have a significant impact on a facility’s sustainability goals as well as hygiene. Proprietary soap dispensing systems produce excess plastic […]