Economists at The Brattle Group released on May 12 an assessment through April 2020 on the impacts and implications of COVID-19 on the energy industry. The report provides an update to […]
Netwrix, a cybersecurity vendor that makes data security easy, announced additional findings from its 2020 Data Risk & Security Report. The report reveals that many educational organizations are […]
Teknoflor has established a strategic partnership with Material Bank, the world’s largest material marketplace for the architecture and design industry. By combining technology and logistics, Material […]
As COVID-19 continues to spread and cause fatalities while the economy plans to re-open, businesses will need to ensure protection from potential contamination. The COVID-19 virus […]
To help facilitate remote HVAC management during these challenging times, Armstrong has announced that it will provide its cloud-based subscription service, Pump Manager, to new customers […]
The Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a Division of ISSA, introduced on May 7 its GBAC STAR facility accreditation program on cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease […]
The Dodge Momentum Index moved 6% lower in April to 135.9 (2000=100) from the revised March reading of 144.5. The Momentum Index, issued by Dodge Data & […]
by Eileen McMorrow The Advanced Workplace Institute’s Working AWAy series was a four-session workshop outlining the processes and tools required for managing home working teams. AWAy, […]
Choosing the appropriate soap dispenser can have a significant impact on a facility’s sustainability goals as well as hygiene. Proprietary soap dispensing systems produce excess plastic […]