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March 20, 2016

ASHRAE funds 24 undergraduate projects

This year, 24 schools from around the world were awarded grants. The grants, totaling some $110,000, are awarded by ASHRAE to colleges and universities worldwide to […]
February 28, 2016

Teachers College, Columbia U. renovates for the 21st century

Teachers College, Columbia University, is the first, the largest, and among the top-ranked graduate schools of education in the nation. Dating back to 1894, the College’s […]
February 28, 2016

Employment in higher ed. grows at fastest pace in 3 years

The number of jobs in higher education increased 1.25 percent in Q4 2015, or about 24,100 jobs, which was the largest increase in jobs for the […]
February 26, 2016

Leckie Elementary School in D.C. gets a green makeover

Studies show that living green walls can reduce student stress and increase both alertness and productivity. Thanks to donation from Suite Plants, the students at Leckie […]
February 12, 2016

Clean air compliance problems for Boston College are solved with active filter technology for generators campus-wide

Boston College was concerned.  Gail Hall, the college’s Director of Health & Safety, had just been notified by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that […]
February 12, 2016

Technology library opens in the heart of Omaha

Omaha, NE – Do Space, for which HDR served as the lead architect, opened to a community eager to get its hands on the latest software, computing, […]
January 25, 2016

DOE awards $600,000 for university-industry partnerships to enhance building efficiency

The Energy Department announced $600,000 in funding to help American universities to establish stronger partnerships with industry and business in the area of building efficiency, supporting […]
January 24, 2016

Princeton Athletics light it up with Hubbell LED Lighting and Controls

As part of the Campus Wide Lighting Efficiency Upgrade Program designed to reduce carbon emissions, promote cost savings and limit waste, Princeton University’s Facilities Organization decided to convert […]
January 24, 2016

Henderson-Hopkins School receives AIA Award

Designed by Rogers Partners, The Henderson-Hopkins School in Baltimore was selected as a 2016 recipient of an AIA Institute Honor Award for Architecture. The first new […]