Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Joint Center rehabilitation gym features colorful canopies that dance along the ceiling. These, coupled with large windows, introduce visual interest that helps to elevate patients’ spirits as they undergo intense physical rehabilitation. Photos courtesy of Aker Imaging.
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Joint Center and (TIRR) inpatient medical rehabilitation unit is located on two expansion floors of the existing East Tower, on the hospital’s suburban campus north of Houston. It was designed by EYP Health (formerly WHR Architects) who were responsible for the building as well.
Photos courtesy of Aker Imaging.
The Joint Center serves patients who typically come in for a joint replacement and leave that same afternoon, returning for additional outpatient therapy. The 18-bed inpatient unit features a large, flexible, group physical therapy gym. Patients receive therapy in individual, small or large group arrangements with mobile equipment and flexible layout.
The rehabilitation gym features colorful canopies that dance along the ceiling. These, coupled with large windows, introduce visual interest that helps to elevate patients’ spirits as they undergo intense physical rehabilitation.
Adjacent to the space is a training kitchen designed to simulate the home environment, where patients relearn how to function in typical living spaces while staff observe. A similar training bathroom is nearby, retraining patients with sinks, toilets, bathtubs and showers.
The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research has a similar layout to level six, but serves a different patient population. Inpatients here are undergoing longer-term rehabilitation to help them regain the skills and confidence they need to reintegrate into the community. To serve this population, the spaces feature different equipment and tools, while still providing a bright, open and supportive environment.