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June 18, 2014

EPA honors Texas medical facilities

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that two Texas medical facilities won their categories in the fourth-annual Energy Star National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings. […]
March 27, 2014

The Butterfly Effect Webinar: How Carpet Can Change the World

The Butterfly Effect Webinar, details how carpet can be a designed, manufactured, and installed as a 100 percent recyclable cradle-to-cradle solution that has zero impact on the […]
March 14, 2014

The Healthcare Facilities Manager’s Dilemma: How to Ensure Compliance While Driving Down Costs

Given that medical care can make the difference between life and death, it’s not surprising that hospitals and healthcare organizations are highly regulated in the United […]
February 6, 2014

The Multiple Sclerosis Center at Swedish Neuroscience Institute

For the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Swedish Neuroscience Institute in Seattle, the architects and design team at Callison conducted extensive research on how multiple sclerosis (MS) […]
February 5, 2014

Bryan Medical Center’s critical power management produces Joint Commission quality reports and simplifies operators’ lives

Master Electrician Mike Wiruth at the Bryan Medical Center saw the “handwriting on the wall” . . . and on spreadsheets, and he wanted to do […]
February 3, 2014

Sustainable Healthcare Cleaning & Disinfection: AVT White Paper

The Sustainable Healthcare Cleaning and Disinfection White  Paper, sponsored by Advanced Vapor Technologies (AVT), explores problems, solutions and supporting research with the goal of achieving greener, […]

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