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July 31: What’s the future for Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmarks?

OSCRE’s Council of 100 is hosting a virtual chat on July 31 with executives from Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmarks (GRESB), the global ESG benchmark for private equity real estate and infrastructure portfolios.  Dan Winters, Senior Director Strategic Initiatives, and Chris Pyke, Chief Innovation Officer, will discuss GRESB’s recent history and where it’s headed for future reporting cycles, including:

  • Evolution of investor strategy – Rising expectations for transparency, performance and impact
  • Game changers – The impact of AI on the assessment process and REAL Benchmarks
  • Governance – Synergies between the GRESB Foundation and GRESB BV
  • Year ahead – Anticipated changes to the GRESB assessment for next year 
  • Ownership – Background on new owners, General Atlantic
  • Opportunities – Collaboration with OSCRE
  • and other topics that participants may want to address in a Q&A period following the presentation.

Chatham House Rule prevails as with all of OSCRE’s Council of 100 gatherings.  

Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 @ 11 AM – 12 PM Eastern Time

Registration required, but there is no fee to attend.
