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The Butterfly Effect Webinar: How Carpet Can Change the World

BtrflyEffect Patcraft

The Butterfly Effect Webinar, details how carpet can be a designed, manufactured, and installed as a 100 percent recyclable cradle-to-cradle solution that has zero impact on the environment and the health of inhabitants of any space. Follow this link to a brief registration point, and the complimentary webinar will begin:

The Butterfly Effect has been installed at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. William McDonough, designer, innovator, author, McDonough Innovation; Patcraft’s creative director, Pamela Rainey, and Steve Munn, project manager, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, discuss the design collaboration and the project with Elizabet West, webinar director, McMorrow Reports.  This educational discussion, produced by The McMorrow Reports and carpet manufacturer Patcraft, details the following:   

*An innovative design partnership to create a sustainable product line that is endlessly renewable;

* Innovative flooring and design opportunities for corporate and healthcare applications

*Cradle-to-Cradle principles that point to endless resourcefulness

*Zero-impact carpet production, installation, use and maintenance

* A partnership rooted in environmental and social responsibility

* Learn how materials for making and installing carpet have radically changed and can produce flooring that is safe and healthy for everyone

* Great appearance, comfort-under foot, cost-effective carpet that truly can be recycled forever because it was intentionally designed that way. Butterfly Effect Presentation_Page_18

“The Butterfly Effect describes the notion in chaos theory that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings in China can yield something as significant as a hurricane off the coast of Africa. As designers, we like our work to be connected to bigger ideas,” says William McDonough. “The Butterfly Effect collection demonstrates the power of inspiring design, the ripple effects of Cradle to Cradle Certified products, and how we can help pediatric cancer patients globally via research.”

Hear how carpet can have a larger, more positive impact on the world. Patcraft has given wing to its new carpet collection, The Butterfly Effect and shared its world-environment changing impact.

The Butterfly Effect already has won The Nightingale Award for Carpet. Patcraft has committed two percent of the proceeds to go directly to help St. Jude fund their mission of finding cures and saving children worldwide. 
