May 22 in Dallas & June 6 in Boston: Piloting Healthcare’s Road to Recovery Summit offers networking and CEU credits
The in-person healthcare built environment educational and networking summits are coming to a city near you. Facilities and operations executives for hospital systems, architects, construction and design professionals are sharing information about their experiences post-pandemic in hospital, clinic, retail and mobile healthcare services delivery. The challenges of construction costs, the uniting of hospital platforms to offer care in shared markets, and the increase in telehealth access are changing the healthcare landscape and impacting capital investment.
An attentive audience of healthcare planning professionals during the Atlanta summit on February 8. Image courtesy of AMFP
The summits offer networking opportunities and 5 CEU hours (AIA HSW, AHA, CHFM, CHC, CHESP, Engineers PDH). Sessions include:
Dallas on May 22nd:Innovative Ideas:
How Facilities Sustain a Great Health System’s Mission
Using Cleanroom Technology to Improve Critical Environments in Healthcare
Emerging Best Practices:
The Art of Big Healthcare Projects: Managing Scope, Schedule, Cost, Execution, Expectations & Ghosts
What’s in the Cards for Healthcare Real Estate: 2024 & Beyond
Flipping Aging Acute Care Facilities to Behavioral Health
Solving the Parking Puzzle
A Deep Dive into Renovations, Adaptive Reuse & Flexible Facilities:
Determining Value Proposition for Healthcare Renovation Projects
Leveraging Technology:
Energy: Straight Talk on How Healthcare Systems Can Control It
Boston on June 6:Innovative Ideas:
Revolutionizing Healthcare Investments: Bridging Today’s Capital Planning with Tomorrow’s Digitally Enabled Care Landscape
Using Cleanroom Technology to Improve Critical Environments in Healthcare
Emerging Best Practices:
Power and Peril of Integrated Project Delivery
Designing for Security in an Era of Increased Violence
Integration of Strategy, Operations, and Finance into Facility Master Planning
Solving the Parking Puzzle
Advancing Care Delivery Models Across Diverse Communities:
Home Health: A “Capital-Light” Alternative to Building More Facilities
Leveraging Technology:
Utilizing Advanced Technology Solutions to Achieve Adaptability and Resiliency
Attendance fees range from $59.00 to $399.00. AMFP members and health system employees receive special discounted rates. Group rates are available so bring the whole team.