An important new article that was jointly developed by ISO/TC-251 and ISO/TC-267 has been released internationally. The new paper “How ISO 55001 – Asset Management and ISO 41001 – Facility Management Work Together to Improve Organizational Performance and Quality of Life” highlights the important interrelationship of two management system standards developed to improve overall organizational performance:
• ISO 55001, Asset management – Management system – Requirements
• ISO 41001, Facility management – Management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.
These standards provide a basis and framework for organizations to ensure facilities, assets and services are effectively and efficiently managed to improve operational activities and risks, achieve organizational performance objectives and contribute to our quality of life.
ISO has established a series of management system standards to help organizations improve their performance. Management systems create an organizational culture for continual improvement, visionary leadership, employee awareness and stakeholder engagement. Organizations use management systems to better focus policies, objectives and processes in order to best achieve organizational objectives.
Seeking more resources on ISO 55001? Click here.
ISO 55001 helps organizations derive greater value from their assets. It does not focus on the asset, but on the value that assets provide to the organization. Asset management (AM) translates organizational objectives into technical and financial decisions plans and activities by harmonizing leadership and workplace culture, and giving assurances that assets will fulfill their required purpose.
Implementing ISO 55001 and ISO 41001 can empower organizations to better utilize and manage facilities and assets, focus and optimize activities, and derive the required function and value in order to achieve their objectives. ISO 55001 provides a systematic approach to link value derived from assets with organizational objectives. ISO 41001 provides structure organizing facility operations through resource management, value of money, workplace standards, compliance, environmental impact and the overall efficiency and effectiveness of facilities, assets and services satisfying the demand organization’s needs.
Together these standards provide a basis and a framework for organizations to ensure facilities, assets and services are effectively and efficiently managed to improve operational activities and risks, achieve organizational performance objectives and contribute to our quality of life. Download the article here.