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October 9-11: Change Management, Data, AI and the Future are top issues at World Workplace 2024, San Antonio

Renowned for its education sessions addressing issues and trends of the highest relevance to the facility management industry, as well as forward-thinking concepts on artificial intelligence (AI), data management, operational technology and cybersecurity, change management, sustainability and the future of the workplace, the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is bringing its World Workplace Conference and Expo to San Antonio October 9-11, 2024.

Tailored specifically to the professional development needs of facility managers, the conference promises to equip attendees with new ideas, tactics, and strategies for improving facility projects.

The three-day event offers sessions led by industry experts, educators, authors, and workplace innovators, covering a range of topics, allowing attendees to customize a learning program that addresses their job responsibilities and facility concerns.

Session tracks include Communications, Facility Operations, Facility Technology & Data Management, Finance & Business, Leadership & Strategy, Quality, Project Management. Real Estate, Risk Management, and Sustainability.

Education program is detailed here. The McMorrow Reports & FMLink team plan on attending these sessions:

The profession is focused on professional development, and IFMA is shining the spotlight on its programs:

World Workplace registration is open. Early bird savings end July 21.
