Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System
Lake District Hospital in Lakeview, Ore., has invested in innovative ultraviolet technology with the addition of the Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System. The system helps remove illness-causing pathogens that can jeopardize patient, visitor and staff health.
Lake Health District operates a 25-bed acute care critical access hospital, a home health and hospice agency, outpatient clinic services in two states, countywide mental health services, an affiliated 24-bed long-term care and 12-bed assisted living facility, and a durable medical equipment outlet in remote Lake County, Oregon. Lake Health District’s mission is “to care for our community with respect and compassion through excellence and teamwork.”
Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System
From seasonal challenges to more serious threats like healthcare-acquired infections and multi-drug resistant organisms, such as Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), healthcare facilities need solutions to address a wide range of vulnerabilities. Despite vast improvements in surface disinfectants and infection prevention practices, healthcare-associated infections still present challenges for healthcare facilities.
Knowing firsthand the challenges faced by healthcare facilities to prevent healthcare-acquired infections, Lake District Hospital proactively invested in the Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System to strengthen our infection prevention protocols and help further reduce risk to our patients’ health.
The Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System emits UV-C light to kill microorganisms by inactivating their DNA, which renders them harmless and unable to multiply or spread. The UV-C rays extend a full 360 degrees allowing the system to disinfect areas within an 8-foot radius in just five minutes.
“We have been extremely lucky and are dedicated to keeping our infection rates low. We invested in the Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System to boost our infection prevention protocols and help us continue to keep our infection rates low,” said Mesa Greenfield, BSN, RN, CWOCN, Infection Preventionist/Employee Health RN, Lake District Hospital. “Our staff was able to implement the system smoothly as it is extremely easy to use.”
Lake District Hospital uses Clorox Healthcare® Optimum-UV Enlight® System throughout the hospital in our operating rooms, intensive care units, emergency department, patient discharge rooms, post-partum department and our attached clinics. The system complements our current comprehensive infection control protocols, combining manual surface disinfection with the new pathogen-killing UV technology.
“Our patients have been impressed with the system and it provides them peace of mind to know our hospital is using top technology to protect them and their families,” added Greenfield. “We look forward to expanding our use of the system and are glad to have a partner like Clorox Healthcare to help us in our effort to be completely infection-free.”