Princeton University’s Facilities Organization decided to convert more than 100,000 outdated lighting fixtures to more efficient LEDs in facilities across the campus.
As part of the Campus Wide Lighting Efficiency Upgrade Program designed to reduce carbon emissions, promote cost savings and limit waste, Princeton University’s Facilities Organization decided to convert more than 100,000 outdated lighting fixtures to more efficient LEDs in facilities across the campus. One of the largest and most visible initiatives in the program was the conversion of 839 lighting fixtures from Hubbell Lighting that illuminated the main floor of the 250,000 square feet world-class Jadwin Gym.
Television broadcasts, sustainability needs, a uniquely domed roof and a restricted installation schedule made the lighting retrofit challenging.
“The unique design and size of Jadwin Gymnasium presented University officials, its designers and specifiers with a significant, yet rewarding, challenge,” said Clayton Smith, director of business development at Hubbell Lighting. “Together we were able to develop a solution that enhanced the environment, met key energy saving criteria and achieved necessary standards for television, all while playing to the strengths of the facility without detracting from its uniqueness. We trust the players, coaches, staff, students, faculty and fans will all enjoy the new aesthetic of the facility and we hope the new lights bring plenty of luck to all the Tiger teams.”
By replacing the existing highbay fixtures, Princeton’s energy management team estimates energy savings of approximately 40 percent. Controls optimization should add an additional 20 to 40 percent energy savings.
By replacing the existing highbay fixtures, Princeton’s energy management team estimates energy savings of approximately 40 percent. Controls optimization should add an additional 20 to 40 percent energy savings. It is estimated the total return on the investment in the Jadwin Gym lighting upgrade to be less than six years.
After several years of R&D through multiple manufacturer samples, the University and its partners chose long-lasting and efficient Hubbell Industrial Lighting LED Lunabay Series Highbays, specially designed for light retail, gym and light industrial spaces. The LED Highbays provide Princeton with long-lasting, highly efficient lighting and enable appropriate light levels, uniformity, and CRI required for televised broadcasts of games. The lighting has a life of 50,000 hours, dramatically reducing facility staff time spent on aerial high-reach lifts to replace thousands of burnt-out metal halide lamps and failed ballasts.
Hubbell Building Automation® developed a level of control for the new lighting that is rarely found in university athletic arenas. This was an important factor given the size of the facility – more than eight football fields. With wiSCAPE™ by Hubbell Building Automation, facility managers have the ability to illuminate the entire space for large events or reduce lighting levels with precision – down to a specific row in the spectator bleachers. Jadwin Gym is not only home to the NCAA-level basketball court and indoor track, but also hosts special events that have included special speakers such as the Dalai Lama, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Eddie Murphy. It also serves as a location for the annual university prom, concerts and for large forum dinner events.