Building and retaining the FM workforce, the value of FM training, addressing the FM skills gap, and the importance of FM credentials and qualifications were among the four categories addressed in the 2023 FM Training Outlook Survey conducted by the Professional Facility Management Institute (ProFMI) and Building Operating Management (BOM) magazine. The survey identifies top FM challenges and workforce trends, determines the current need for FM training and credentials, and gauges how sentiments have shifted over time since the survey began in 2019.
Among its findings: Organizational growth and attrition are driving the need for more FM staff, while providing an attractive work environment and employee development programs can help attract and retain talent. FM managers see improved job performance, confidence, credibility and job satisfaction as a result to FM training, yet basic training dollars and resources are lagging behind the need.
With fewer roadblocks and restrictions on business in 2023, organizations around the world are focused on growth. Workplaces are being retrofitted for optimal functionality and productivity, retail spaces are growing, and building technologies are advancing faster than ever. This rapid growth is adding strain to already short-staffed FM departments. Competition for FM talent has never been greater. Employee development programs can help improve staff retention and eliminate skills gaps.
Click here to download and read the Executive Summary before the full report is released in a few weeks.