Plazma in Hungary was honored
Plazma in Hungary was honored as top healthcare project by the SBID International Design Awards 2017. Photo courtesy of SBID International Design Awards.
Plazma, the Apheresis Centre in Hungary by Csiszer Design Studio, was honored as the top healthcare design project by the Society of British and International Design Awards 2017, the professional accrediting organization for the interior design industry in the UK.
From the SBID Excellence Awards website:
Design Practice: Csiszer Design Studio, Veszprem, Hungary
Project Title: Apheresis Centre
Project Location: Székesfehérvár, Hungary
“Plazma is a blood donation centre where platelets are collected through a particular procedure known as apheresis. The interior design of this 800-square-metre healthcare institution centres around a sense of hygiene as well as ensuring the centre appeals to potential donors. The brief required it to be spotlessly clean but also friendly and without the austere atmosphere of a typical healthcare setting; this influenced the choice of colours, materials and spatial qualities. Colourful seats, glossy lockers arranged in a tetris shape and 28 therapy chairs in vivid colours all serve to create a welcoming space where people can feel comfortable. While the two floors are separated, the high, open space of this former shopping centre is retained and a glass wall on to the donor rooms on the upper level provides transparency and assures visitors that there is nothing to fear at Plazma.”
Click here to see the full list of winners.