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MD Anderson Cancer Center installs EV chargers

electriccarThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has installed six Level 2 Telefonix Inc. PowerPost commercial electric vehicle charging stations.

“As our mission is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation and the world, we looked beyond our walls and to the environment at large,” says Bill Donovan, Manager, Parking and Transportation for MD Anderson. “Electric vehicles help reduce emissions and improve air quality, and we wanted to encourage their proliferation by offering EV charging stations at our center.”

After investigating all of the equipment choices and methods of workplace charging, MD Anderson chose the Telefonix PowerPost EVSE. While offering charging as a perk for their employees, they found no need for networking technologies and contracts that can increase the initial and ongoing cost of offering charging at work. They also took advantage of the opportunity to apply their branding on the chargers.

To further explore the environmental impact of fossil fuels, Telefonix offers a comparison of CO2 emissions with two similar vehicles: the Ford Focus Electric and a conventional gasoline 2.0L Ford Focus on their website here.

When using 100% coal-generated power, it was concluded that total CO2 emissions from the Ford Focus Electric will be 31% less than the conventional 2.0L Focus. When using power plant U.S. Fleet Average emissions, the numbers jumped in favor of electric vehicles by a factor of more than 2.

